Welcome to Tez Books by Innovative ERP Solutions Ltd. (IESL)

  • sales@iesl.co.in
  • Mon - Sat: 10.00 am - 7.00 pm

Billing, Bar-Code and POS Solutions for retailers

Tez Books has an integrated POS system for retailers. The major benefits of this moudle are as follows:

  1. 1. Increased efficiency: Automated billing and barcode scanning reduces transaction times and eliminates the risk of manual errors.
  2. 2. Improved inventory management: Real-time tracking of inventory levels and barcode scanning helps businesses accurately track stock levels.
  3. 3. Enhanced reporting and Analytics: POS systems provide real-time sales reporting, helping retailers make informed business decisions.
  4. 4. Increased accuracy: POS system eliminates the risk of manual errors in transactions, such as incorrect pricing or miskeyed information, and ensures accurate billing information.
  5. 5. Integrated accounting: POS system is fully integrated with Tez Books accounting and inventory management system.
  6. 6. Secure transactions: POS systems use secure payment processing methods, reducing the risk of fraud and security breaches.
  7. 7. Improved customer experience: Retailers can provide personalized service by quickly accessing customer information through the POS system.
  8. 8. Cost savings: By automating manual tasks and reducing the need for manual data entry, POS systems can help retailers save resources and money in the long run.
  9. 9. Easy implementation: Barcode systems are easy to implement and can be integrated into existing billing processes with minimal disruption.
  10. 10. Streamlined processes: Automated barcode scanning speeds up the billing and accounting process and reduces the time it takes to complete a sale.

POS system can help retailers save a lot of time and money. Reducing checkout time helps in improve customer’s shopping experience.